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Maintenance for Managers

Thursday, February 20, 2025
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (EST)

Event Details

It's time for maintenance managers and property managers to team up! This training is designed for both to attend together.


This course is designed specifically for managers and is geared toward increasing your knowledge base and improving your management skills. Whether you are new or have been doing this for years, this class will provide excellent tools that will help you grow and develop your knowledge and skills as they pertain to maintenance.  

  • Maintenance Supervisors will learn valuable management skills
  • Property Managers will gain valuable insight and understanding of maintenance operations on their sites. 
  • The class will foster a more collaborative, efficient, and effective work environment for the office and maintenance shop. 
  • Bridge the gap between the office and the shop.


Maintenance Supervisors, Property Managers, Maintenance Managers, Multi-site managers, etc.

This course is worth 5 CECs
We highly encourage property managers attend with their lead maintenance techs or managers!

Thank you to our sponsors!